It's funny... I get a cheap thrill out of fast, upside down coasters and scary horror flicks. And I mean the rated R kind, not those PG-13's. You know what I'm talking about, PG-13 gives you those dim witted folk who all seem to take a wrong turn, their car breaks down, cellphone dies, end up shacking up in a desolate area (probably a whopping 20 miles away from civilization -- say it isn't so!!) in a creepy motel where the owner is "mysteriously" killing the guests and no one can seem to figure out how to get out of the situation when the solution is right in front of them. All the while you're thinking, they deserved to die anyway.
However, if you put me in front of a group of people or put me through an interview, I could very well lose what I ate the night before.
This interview was different. Now I'm sure most people would say that about a job they see that they'll really like or after they've landed the job of their dreams. For serious. This interview was different. Something told me that the interview would go smashingly when the interviewee said, "I'm going to tell you right now -- I really like you, so I am going to be a little biased in this interview."
Come again?
We basically sat there and talked, it wasn't much of an interview to say the least. Our conversations were about what got me interested in Athletic Training and why I wanted to work in a Physical Therapy setting; how she could convince me to become a Physical Therapist instead and what to expect in Athletic Training. Finally, we got down to the gut of the interview...
If I were to call your boss and asked them to give me three adjectives to describe you, what would they be?
I gave the generic answer. Reliable, trustworthy, hardworking. Her second question must have sold her on my 2 question interview...
If I were to call your best friend and ask the same question, what would they say?
Not so generic. I think I laughed when I heard the question because I could picture my best friend giving her answer. The first adjectives that came to mind, crazy... Laid back... Funny. My future boss just smiled and looked genuinely happy!! I didn't know a crazy person would garner such a reaction... Usually crazy might turn an employer off. Not this one. Her answer to my answer??
I am so relieved that you said that.

You don't know how many people I've interviewed who've said that their best friend would give the same answer as their boss.
Ah. Thank you for clarifying that. For a minute you made me think that a crazy person had a shot at a real life.
Needless to say, she really did like me. She thought I would fit in perfectly and by her description of the atmosphere, I should fit right in -- my new boss seems to think so! I hope that this is the beginning of being well on my way to Athletic Training... Knock on wood.
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