I find it comical that very few people know that residents of Massachusetts are known as Bostonians. Not Bostonites, Massachusettsians, Massachusettsites, Massachusettsers or Bostoners -- I can't even say any of these and trust me, they weren't easy to spell either. So how in the hell did other people come up with these terms?? How did someone think up such names and assume that, "this sounds about right and jeepers, it just rolls right off your tongue"?
However, I wouldn't doubt that had you said the word masshole, these same people would know exactly who you were refering to.
Therefore, Bostonians should be known universally as Massholes. Yes, I know we already are, but I mean, that should be our nationally recognized label. Trust me, that is not an insult. For whatever strange reason, us Bostonians take pride in being known as massholes. It's our calling card along with our intense roadrage, lack of turn signals, rolling stops, honking at the person with the slow reaction time to the green light and bump and runs on the high ways. Then again, I think that's how we acquired the name masshole -- our particular way of driving seems to play a minor part, no?
I think I've become a little annoyed with how idiotic people have become with residential names. Really now... Massachusettsians? Can you even SAY that?
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